
__ Advanced Paraglider System


__ Advanced Paraglider System

Paraglider System

1 - Add AC_Paraglider Actor component


First of all add "Paraglider System" Actor component to your character

2 - Set all AC_Paraglider properties


Paraglider Actor Class: Set your own blueprint Paraglider (or use the one from the Blueprints folder)

Paraglider Socket Name: Set the name of your socket (Don’t forgot to create socket)

Rotation Rate (Paraglider): Defined the rotation rate of the Paraglider

Paraglider Max Speed: Defined the max gliding speed 

Glider Gravity Force: Defined the force of the gravity when you gliding

Glider Control RotationMode: Active Default control rotation mode

An exemple of use:

Wind Force System

1 - Wind Power

Set the power of wind

2 - You can add you own Niagara system 

An exemple of use:

Animation (Control Rig)

1 - AnimationBlueprint - EventGraph

In your Animation Blueprint set the reference to owning character glider component on the Event Blueprint BeginPlay

Then, add this code to set the boolean and the 2DVector useful for Control Rig on the Event Blueprint Update Animation

AnimationBlueprint - AnimeGraph

In your AnimGraph, add a Control Rig node

Click on it, find ControlRigClass and search CR_Mannequin_Paraglider

Now you can follow this settings

Then you just have to connect control rig like this in the AnimGraph

Now add a Blend Pose By Bool and connect it after default animation.
Connect IsGliding in Active Value, connect the default animation in False, and add the animation ANIM_Hanging_Idle on True


Animation (Animation Sequence)

1 - AnimationBlueprint - EventGraph

In your Animation Blueprint set the reference to owning character glider component on the Event Blueprint BeginPlay

Then, add this code to set the boolean and the 2DVector useful for AnimGraph on the Event Blueprint Update Animation

AnimationBlueprint - AnimeGraph

In your AnimGraph, add BS_ParaGlider

Then, add an State Alias

And set it like this

Finish this part by adding a transition with the boolean isGliding


Add Socket

To adding a socket, go to Skeletal Tree, right click on a bone (here hand_l) then click on add Socket and rename it to ParagliderSocket

Now right click on the socket ParagliderSocket > Add Preview Asset et type SM_Paraglider

Click on Preview Animation and select ANIM_Hanging_Idle

Adjust the position and rotation of the socket to make the glider well positioned